Listen deeply
Live courageously
Love fiercely

RECEIVE MY NEWSLETTER. Plus two guided audio practices of Yoga Nidra and Meditation for deep embodied rest and inner peace.

Hi ! I'm Georgina Laiya

I support 'you' to know yourself (light and dark), feel safe to inhabit your body, unlock your power, enjoy being you, and express your love and genius. I support 'us' to move from fear and separation to understanding and connection, to enable the emergence of a new way of being, living and loving. 

My programme of work is about authentic, creative and heart-centred relating and intimacy with yourself, with others, with Earth, and with the Mystery.

I don't like labels or titles. I can say that I work with love, through embodiment practices, touch, and circle, to facilitate relaxation, awakening and emergence.

If you feel the longing to embrace your amazing body, awaken your wildly loving heart, and pioneer a new society with other beautiful beings, let's connect.

Bienvenue - je parle aussi le Français.


Book a Complimentary Discovery Call >>

Sacred Bodywork

Healing & Awakening Bodywork
Morges, Switzerland


Relaxing & Therapeutic Massage
Morges, Switzerland


Body, Heart & Soul Support
Online & In Person

Events In The Spotlight

Menopause Wellness & Self-Kindness (Belly)

Sunday, 6 October 2024
Rolle, Switzerland

Menopause Wellness & Self-Kindness (Heart)

Sunday, 3 November 2024
Rolle, Switzerland

Menopause Wellness & Self-Kindness (Yoni)

Sunday, 26 January 2025
Rolle, Switzerland

Guided Home Massages
for Couples


A self-study online course
that brings you closer
through conscious touch

Discover the Programme

"Georgina is for me a "shamantric" woman who is entirely at the mercy of healing. thank you for your precious accompaniment in a journey on new levels that helped me to heal wounds and to rediscover and take care of my sacred flame within me. In gratitude I feel empowered ! "


"Georgina is a beautiful woman, a feminine woman, a free woman, a woman who is vibrant, a woman who laughs, a woman who shines. Just being around her was an inspiration."


"My feelings are fully awake. My voice is loud and I feel more self-confident than ever before. I can feel the energy and positive thinking... my dynamic is changing... I am so proud of me!"


"Merci Georgina pour cette incroyable expérience hors du commun... abondante de partage, d'émotions puissantes, d'énergie avec cette sensation d'être vivante et actrice de sa propre vie... mais aussi un moment qui permet de se connecter ou reconnecter à soi afin de laisser agir son ressenti, de s'accepter, de connaitre ses limites et de les apprivoiser, de sortir de son périmètre de confort et se laisser porter par la magie de la vie."


"It was an extraordinary experience. I moved so many blockages, and awakened such a powerful energy. It amazed me how the other participant’s personal journeys impacted me profoundly. We are all connected. This is how we move towards a better version of ourselves."


"This helped me to reconnect with myself, like starting a journey of self-discovery and birth… Thanks for helping open my heart and soul for new opportunities to come."


"It was great to experience and witness each other’s struggle and power. We are all together on this journey, with similarities and differences, and yet together in the courage to follow our hearts. Thank you!"


"Georgina created spaces for me to embrace my wild woman. I can now let her shine. This is the most safety I’ve ever known. And from here I can take care of all the parts of me that need care, that have been hurt, abused, abandoned."


"Thank you Georgina for the safe space you created with so much care for this heart-blasting and heart-warming encounter where every being got to shine their light and witness everyone's radiance."


Inspiring human potential as an unlimited force for good

It's right here, in your humanness, and mine, in the ordinary and extraordinary of everyday living, all that we need and long for. I invite you to embrace and embody more of your soul essence, power, love and wisdom, for the benefit of all. I do this through:

★ Therapeutic Massage, Sacred Bodywork & Healing Touch
★ Women's Group Programmes
★ Conscious Connecting - Mixed Group Programmes
★ Circles of Connection and Meaningful Community Building
★ Embodied Awakening Experiences

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Experience the radical and revolutionary art of deep rest and easeful presence

Free Yoga Nidra and Meditation audio practices

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