25 ways to raise your vibrations this winter and why it’s important

Do you notice that during the winter months it can be easy to let your vibrations lower? Do you feel heavier and less motivated? It’s not the case for everyone but I certainly feel that I need to be more consciously and actively finding ways to raise my vibrations every day.

It’s because it’s darker and colder, you may be inside more, less active, eating more and heavier food, watching tv and spending more time looking at computer screens, and that will all affect your moods and thoughts. 

It can be hard to just change your thoughts and mood because you want to. As soon as you take measures to raise your vibrations though, your thoughts and experience of life immediately change!

What does it mean to have high or low vibrations?

We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. The lower the frequency, the denser your energy. What you sometimes forget is that this directly affects your experience of life. Problems seem heavier too. You may experience heavier emotions, darker thoughts or lack of clarity, and more pain and discomfort in your physical body. It takes more energy and effort to get things done. There is less flow in your body and in life. This can lead to dis-ease.

The higher the frequency at which you vibrate energetically, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. You have a sense of ease and flow in your body and your life. Challenges and emotions are dealt with easily. You manifest what you want almost as soon as you dream it. You feel more love and compassion, power, clarity, peace, and joy. Your energy is literally full of light!

Why is it important to raise your vibrations?

As Albert Einstein once said:

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

So when you raise your vibrations you are literally emanating and attracting health, love, compassion, positivity, clarity, abundance, joy and so on. You will attract situations and people that are vibrating at that same high level as you. And similarly, you’ll attract lower vibrational people and situations when you lower your vibrations.

That gives me plenty of motivation! How about you? In fact, I would say that it is my number one priority and my conscious life path now to be making choices that consistently raise my vibrations.

Can you feel it? Take responsibility for your vibrational frequency.

We all have access to feeling our energy and the changes in our vibrations. I invite you from now on though to become really conscious of it, and especially of how your state of vibrational frequency is affecting you and others.

Tune in to your body, thoughts and emotions regularly during the day to see how you are feeling. Notice what is happening in your life, how people are acting, what situations are coming up and how you are responding to them. This is reflecting back to you something important about your own vibrations.

Once you are aware of it, you can take action to raise your vibrations for positive impact.

25 easy ways to consciously raise your vibrations

Ok, so here are a bunch of ways to consciously raise your vibrations this winter.

  1. Breathe deeply – From simple abdominal breathing to complex pranayama techniques, breathing is one of the most effective ways to let go of tension, get into your body and get your energy flowing again. It can be a powerful way to activate your energy body and access higher states of consciousness.
  2. Dance – Try starting your day by dancing for 15 minutes to your favourite uplifting tunes, or find yourself a Five Rhythms tribe locally, and make intuitive, free expression through your body a regular practice.
  3. Spend time in nature – It’s a no-brainer. Get your body saturated in the abundant negative ions in nature so that you feel alive and vibrant. Guaranteed effect!
  4. Get plenty of healing sleep and rest – Make it a priority for your body to regenerate through deep healing sleep and periods of conscious rest.
  5. Eat unprocessed, fresh, organic food, slowly and with gratitude – All food vibrates too. So your choice of food, where and how it is produced, as well as how you prepare and eat it, is going to have a direct impact on your vibrations.
  6. Drink lots of pure water – There is loads of evidence now showing how water crystals change depending how it is treated and the container you put it in. A flower of life bottle or even your own positive thoughts can make a difference.
  7. Practice gratitude – Instant gratification from a very different source than shopping or eating!! Make it a daily practice before bed to count your blessings and realise how lucky you are to have so much abundance and love in your life.
  8. Practice acts of kindness – It brings such a warm feeling to your heart to offer spontaneous compliments or little acts of kind service to total strangers and to loved ones alike.
  9. Laugh out loud – A good old belly laugh triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals, decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies.
  10. Love – Ok, this is the fast food for high vibrations. Nothing is more impactful on our system than the vibration of love. Even just imagining someone or something you love will raise your vibrations. This is not so much about being in love, but more about being love, thus in a state of love.
  11. Sing and sound – Whether it’s hollering in the car, howling under the full moon, blazing out the Bohemian Rhapsody under the shower, or singing a lullaby to your baby (or yourself), activating your voice consciously is like super food! Chanting OM puts you in direct vibration with the Universe.
  12. Let go – Release locked up tension and energy by actively letting go of attachment, fear, resistance, resentment and need to control. Allow feelings to be expressed consciously as they come up so that emotions don’t get locked up inside. Feel your fear and do it anyway. Trust your intuition and step forward into the unknown.
  13. Dream – Another superfood for your body. Spend time day dreaming. Imagine it in full colour, feel it in your body, taste it, smell it, hear it. Literally dream your life and the world you most desire into being.
  14. Be you – Be honest and authentically you. Do what you love to do. Be a full and unique expression of you in every moment. This is true high vibration existence!!
  15. Receive an energy healing – Energy healing and energetic body work, including conscious massage, is very powerful to help raise your vibrations. You just need to relax and open yourself to the flow of energy.
  16. Meditation  – The key thing is to bring yourself into the present moment, relaxing into what is, in order to access deeper being and knowing. This instantly brings you into higher vibrations.
  17. Practice Yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong – All of these practices use breath and movement to consciously clear the energy channels – essential to allow energy to flow freely again, bringing and maintaining ease, clarity and vitality.
  18. Hugs – The real, body-embracing, long, loving type of hugs, are scientifically proven to stimulate oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine, balance the nervous system, enhance the immune system, reduce heart rate and reduce worry of mortality. Let’s get hugging!
  19. Extended sensual and sexual pleasure – This is what Tantra is all about. It’s not about having great sex really, it’s about accessing and extending high vibrational pleasure states in life in order to heal and access higher states of consciousness. It is about living in an orgasmic state, vibrantly alive and joyful.
  20. Spend time with animals – Pure, grounded, and often, enlightened beings. There’s no analysis of whether their parents treated them right or blaming the government for all the woes of the world. Animals are present moment high vibrators.
  21. Play with children – Babies and children are naturally high vibrational. Spending time playing with them will help you activate your childlike joy, freedom and awe and wonder of the world too.
  22. Spend time with inspiring, uplifting people  – As Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with.” Find your tribe and spend time with people who are actively being positive, living on purpose and making the world a better place. Read inspiring books and watch great TED talks.
  23. Be creative with your hands  – Your hands are energetically connected to your heart. Write, paint or make something with your hands and your heart.
  24. Clear your space of negative and artificial energy – Turn off all devices and get away from computer screens as much as possible. Use crystals or essential oils to clear the energy in your home. Use natural cleaning products. Turn off wifi and phones when you sleep.
  25. Open yourself to Universal energy – Simply open up and tune in to the energy of the Universe for healing and guidance. Ask for guidance from your Spirit guides. Believe that everything is happening FOR you and know that you are being supported and guided all the time.

Here’s wishing you a high vibrations this winter! Enjoy being orgasmically alive!


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