On today’s dark moon I celebrate MENSTRUAL BLOOD, mine and that of all women. ⠀
At this turning point of the lunar cycle, I acknowledge the gift of the Earth goddess. She who is in touch with Nature, her own WILD NATURE.⠀
For so much of my life as a woman I didn't understand the gifts of my monthly cycle. ⠀
I felt shame. I hated the inconvenience and embarrassment of my bleed.⠀
I bought into the secrecy, suppression and disempowerment. ⠀
Today I have reclaimed the POWER and WISDOM of my blood. That same power and wisdom that has been so feared and desired that it's been hidden in the dark, out of sight.⠀
Yes, this is the domain of the DARK GODDESS. The mystery that calls for respect and reverence, in the face of life and death. ⠀
She offers us COURAGE to face our fears, our doubts and our shadows with LOVE, COMPASSION and PATIENCE. ⠀
She offers us a monthly PURGE to cut through our bullshit and stand present, heart-open in RAW TRUTH. ⠀
She opens the gates to EARTH and COSMIC WISDOM, an immense portal of LOVE that supports our INTER-BEING. ⠀
As I open to the oracle of my blood on this dark moon, I feel immense GRIEF for having been ignorant to this wisdom for so long, and an even greater LONGING for ALL WOMEN to know and feel, respect and be respected in their womb wisdom and MENSTRUALITY CONSCIOUSNESS. ⠀
And for all MEN to also receive the gifts of this most beautiful monthly offering. ⠀
This evening we celebrate with CACAO. Mmmmm, this is one happy bleeding mama!! :) ⠀
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