Filling up on Life after burn-out

Filling up on juicy life-force in Bali! My practice is to open my body to receive and be fully available for life’s abundance. It is not me who has to generate energy. My job is to let go, open up and expand the container for life to flow through me.
So many of us are concerned with our energy levels and the (predominantly western) conditions of burnout, chronic exhaustion and fatigue. So many people use sugar, caffeine, drugs, sport and doing more, to push through and get more out of their bodies!
Ever since I burned out in 2010 and experienced such a devastating sense of depletion, I have been on a mission to recuperate and better understand my body’s wisdom, energy and life-force. There is no one quick fix answer.
The answers come from truly listening to the wisdom of my body or rather I should say ‘bodies’. Recovery and maintaining wellness comes from being aware of my physical, emotional-energetic, psychological, intuitive and spiritual bodies.
Is my body calling for more deep healing Rest?
Is my body calling for spending time immersed in Nature, soaking in negative ions?
Is my body calling for me to express my emotions, to speak my truth and to courageously follow my heart?
Is my body yearning for spiritual nourishment and deep inner connection?
Is my body showing me I need to discipline my mind through meditation?
Is my body calling for me to move energy, release tension and consciously activate my life-force through shaking, sounding, dancing, breathing?
Is my body yearning for touch, affection, sensuality or sexual intimacy?
Is my body calling me to detox and nourish my body through conscious nutrition?
Is my body calling for a thorough cleansing of my home and reducing to the essentials?
Is my body calling for me to stop leaking energy out and to be more conscious in filling up my own cup and creating balance?
Is my body showing me that I am trying to overly control or resist the natural flow of life?
What is it that could be blocking or leaking out the natural limitless flow of energy ? How may I open up to life ? These are the questions I now ask to my body each day.


Perhaps this reflection can inspire and support you too.


Georgina xxx 


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