I'm grateful for you - Winter Solstice Message

More than anything else right now I want to say thank you.

There's so much to be grateful for. I'm grateful for you.

Every day I meet people who share values of respect and compassion. This means the world to me. We are indeed experiencing so much chaos, grief and uncertainty in our world right now, and at the same time, we're surrounded by good people who care, deeply. I choose to really see and feel this.

Fear shields sadness and grief. So thank you for caring. Thank you for feeling and keeping your heart open. 

It breaks my heart to feel that many people don't have family or community, warmth and affection this holiday season. I pray that each one can feel a sense of belonging and connection.

At this winter solstice portal, I honour and respect the suffering that has been - my own, yours, that of the collective and generations past - for indeed it has been real and deserves respect. I honour it's place and how it has served. 

I am grateful to those who have still courageously kept the flame alive to pass on hope and humanity.

I recognise too that we can consciously choose to cultivate curiosity and gratitude, love and care, in every moment and every situation.

And I recognize the choice that is available of ease and gentleness, pleasure and play, togetherness and companionship, vitality and freedom. 




May I have the wisdom and courage to see clearly and hold equally the value of all perspectives.

I call in community and collaboration, that we may show up for each other, for the values of integrity, sovereignty, and compassion, and dance together with the force of life and love that naturally flows in our veins.

May I hold loving presence for whatever comes, knowing when to stand firmly and when to flex gracefully. Aho!



I'm one amongst us, contributing our gifts and dedicating our time to support a kind, healthy, happy community, tuned in to our beautiful planet. I couldn't do anything else and I'm grateful to be able to contribute. I wish to find ways to contribute more in 2021.

I'm super grateful for what you contribute too. Thank You. You matter. 

As we come to the end of 2020 I hold hope in the power of wise hearts to come together for comfort, support and conscious choice.

Sending bundles of love,
Georgina xxx



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