Sacred Feminine: 20 Great Books


I have promised many of you to put together a reading list for books I recommend related to the Sacred Feminine and what it means to be an educated, conscious, loving and empowered woman in her female body today.

Now this list is quite wide-reaching. It includes some easy reads for those touching the subject, and some more intense reads for those of you really committing to the Sacred Feminine path.

There are some Yogic, some Tantric and some Shamanic reads, reflecting mythology, energy, and consciousness. There are some that reflect history and science, and some focusing on the physical body, hormones, menstrual cycle and menopause, sexuality and well-being.

They are in no specific order really and I’ll admit that I have not managed to read all of these books yet. There are many other books that influence and inspire me as a woman but I don’t categorise as Sacred Feminine. I also don’t have any books focused on sacred pregnancy or mothering in here (a reflection of my own interests!)

This is a start. Based on your inputs I’ll be happy to add and improve the list.

So here goes:

  1. The Book of SHE
    Your Heroine’s Journey into the Heart of Feminine Power, by Sara Avant Stover
  2. The Path of the Priestess
    Discover your Divine Purpose, co-authored Rose Cole and others
  3. Woman Code
    Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive and Become a Power Source, by Alisa Vitti
  4. Goddesses Never Age
    The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Wellbeing, by Dr. Christiane Northrup
  5. Pussy – A Reclamation
    by Regina Thomashauer
  6. Vagina – A New Biography
    A new biography, by Naomi Wolf
  7. Awakening Shakti
    The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga, by Sally Kempton
  8. Womb Wisdom
    Awakening the Creative and Forgotten Powers of the Feminine, by Padma and Anaiya Aon Prakasha
  9. The Power of Shakti
    18 Pathways to Ignite the Energy of the Divine Woman, by Padma Aon Prakasha
  10. Wild Power
    Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power, by Alexandra Pope
  11. Women Who Run With the Wolves
    Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype, by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
  12. Kissing the Hag
    The Dark Goddess and the Unacceptable Nature of Women, by Emma Restall Orr
  13. Wild Feminine
    Finding Power, Spirit and Joy in the Female Body, by Tami Lynn Kent
  14. Embodying the Feminine
    Life Lessons and Practices for Awakening Women, by Chameli Armagh
  15. Warrior Goddess Training
    Become the Woman You are Meant to Be, by Heatherash Amara
  16. The Multi-Orgasmic Woman
    How any woman can Experience Multiple Orgasms and Dramatically Enhance Her Sexual Relationship, by Mantak Chia and Rachel Carlton Abrams
  17. Tantric Orgasm for Women
    by Diana Richardson
  18. Dear Lover
    A Woman’s Guide to Men, Sex, and Love’s Deepest Bliss, by David Deida
  19. Dakini Power
    Twelve Extraordinary Women Shaping the Transmission of Tibetan Buddhism in the West, by Michaela Haas
  20. Crossing to Avalon
    A Woman’s Midlife Pilgrimage, by Jean Shined Bolen


Do you Agree? Disagree? What are your favourites?

What books have inspired you on the Sacred Feminine? and Why?

Let’s share and improve this List. I’d love to hear about any french titles/translations too and I’ll put them together in a future post.

Happy reading and remember to:

Listen deeplyLive courageouslyLove fiercely

With love,
Georgina xxx


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