She wakes me from my sleep

sacred feminine May 03, 2020

Nature's beauty and power brings me home to what is real and essential, and wakes me up from my sleepy place where I have forgotten. ⁠⠀
Forgotten that I am alive. Forgotten to feel. Forgotten my power.

Forgotten to care for what is here. Forgotten that there is abundance.

Forgotten that life is sacred. Forgotten to be humble and offer my gratitude.⁠⠀
Just like the Yoni (the sacred temple - vulva of a woman's body). ⁠⠀
For women and men alike, the Yoniverse offers us this powerful reminder to WAKE UP from our sleepiness.

She invites us to dive fully into the raw naked truths of Life.

She offers profound initiation and blessing for those who are willing to honour and respect and humble themselves to Her wisdom⁠.

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