The change starts with me

This long period of home confinement has helped me to see even more clearly my habits, patterns and addictions that don't serve me or anyone else. I know them well but I always find many excuses to let myself off the hook. Bleh! ⁠⠀
So I want the world to change, eh? Well it starts right here lady! ⁠⠀
No more excuses. I have the chance to meet these patterns in the eye, love them a little bit, forgive me for choosing them so often, and take action to make itsy bitsy small changes every day to replace them with new habits that do serve me and others.⁠⠀
For instance... this is what I'm working on: ⁠⠀
OLD PATTERN: My addiction to food to overcome lethargy, boredom and dissatisfaction. ⁠⠀
>>>>> NEW HABIT: drinking water, celery juice and green tea in the mornings, and first meal at lunch. Brushing my teeth after meals. Taking mini rest / garden / meditation breaks to breathe, feel and cultivate gratitude.⁠⠀
OLD PATTERN: Getting distracted by messages and social media to avoid the persistent work required to dig deep and create from within.⁠⠀
>>>>> NEW HABIT: writing and creating what is important first thing for set time. Phone off when creating and always on silent mode. Social media posts scheduled.⁠⠀
OLD PATTERN: Giving up when my self-doubt kicks in, pretending I need to be more gentle with myself. ⁠⠀
>>>>> NEW HABIT: Non-negotiable morning routine. Rising before sunrise. 66 days to join the 5am Club. ⁠⠀
OLD PATTERN: Being in my head rather than feeling my anger or grief or desire.⁠⠀
>>>>> NEW HABIT: regular emotional release practice.⁠

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