Feeling immensely grateful today for the magnificent women in my life. Do you have GREAT women in your life?
I am literally surrounded by a community of women that show me, day after day, through many tiny little things, that I BELONG, that I am WELCOME, that I MATTER, that I am LOVED, even when I'm not perfect!
Only 6 years ago I didn't even like to say the word 'woman'! I was pretty...
If you've every given someone a massage you'll KNOW without a fraction of a doubt that EVERY BODY IS BEAUTIFUL.
When someone feels SAFE, WELCOME, LOVED, and that they BELONG
When their body is seen, honoured and cared for like a SACRED TEMPLE
When the relax fully into their BODY HOME
Every body is beautiful.
Interested to share this feeling with your...
As I sat in front of him, he invited me home to my body, my heart and my soul.
On the eve of my birthday, he invited me to Temple, to celebrate this sacred life in ceremony and ritual. It was the 1 July.
Candles, roses, crystals, symbols on the altar, beautiful cloths ...
In truth the Temple revealed itself through our intentions, our presence and the vibration of our bodies.
As I met his body,...
“He has loved me since he was 15 years old and he loves me more today than ever before.” At 86, she sits tenderly on the edge of the massage table, holding back the tears.
I’ve heard the story many times before. There’s hardly a week that goes by without her mentioning how much they love each other. And I see it.
This morning her heart pours out again,...
May I be joyful in a world of such devastating sorrow? Some days I feel shame for my privileges, health and happiness. But shame serves no-one. Instead, it stands in the way of allowing full grief and sorrow to be felt, as well as joy and gratitude. Shutting it all down is to deny life and to self-poison.
Today I cultivate wholeheartedness, allowing both joy and sorrow to have their full place...
In what way are we the same - you and me? How do I mirror you? What do you see in me, that reflects a part of you? I'm genuinely curious.
You see, you are me, cleverly disguised as you. And I am you, cleverly disguised as me.
I need you, so, to see and know myself.
What if we constantly replaced the questions, "In what way am I different to you?" or "In what way are you different to...
Your hands are a direct expression of your heart.
Have you noticed that what you do with your hands has such a big impact on your own energy and on how you relate to others?
Think about when you place your hands together to bow with respect; when you point a finger, or when you raise a fist in anger or celebration. Think about when your hands are gardening or painting or cooking.
Today I will participate in the Anti-5G demonstration in Geneva and happening internationally. As we experience more and more grass-root marches, demonstrations and protests, with people everywhere calling for more respect and care for life, I ask myself how to take action and show up for what feels right, hold clear boundaries and keep my heart open.
It is very easy to do...
My heartfelt wishes for you, and for all of us, as we enter this new decade. It feels like a new era is here, where our actions matter immensely.
May we rapidly find more sustainable, respectful and heart-centred ways of living together, people and planet.
May we prioritise healing, compassion and community spirit to support each other through the challenges we face.
Welcome friends, to a Community Grieving and Loving space, supported by ceremonial Cacao on 1 September 2019 in Rolle, Switzerland. It will be a space for us to come together to open our hearts to FEEL all that it means to be alive on this planet today. Please see full details at the bottom of this article.
There is so much pain and suffering, personal and collective, near...
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