What's really holding you back from being radiant and brave in midlife?

At some point in midlife, many of us begin to feel disconnected from ourselves.

Maybe you’ve felt it too…

💭 Your body is changing in ways you didn’t expect, and it’s unsettling.
💭 You’re constantly taking care of others, leaving no time for yourself.
💭 You feel unseen or irrelevant, even though you know you have so much to offer.
💭 You’ve tried so many things—diets, routines, mindset shifts—but ...

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Becoming Radiant and Brave in Midlife


To be radiant is to send out light from the inside, to glow brightly with an energy that can be felt by others too. The word radiare in Latin means to emit rays. This means that radiance is not something we chase—it is something we become. It is not a surface beauty. It is the kind of light that doesn’t just illuminate—it invites, opens, and draws others in. ...

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Medicine Walk Ritual for the New Year

As the New Year dawns, perhaps the most important ritual to do is to step into the New Year with a full YES! That is with fully conscious & embodied presence, commitment and intention - the WHY you're going forward. 
A beautiful ritual that we love to do is the Medicine Walk. And it can be super powerful to do this across the Threshold of the New Year. Either on the 31st or on the 1st, or mayb...
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Be the Role Model you're looking for

When I want to blame others or the system or the world for not being what I want them to be, I remind myself to be the role model I’m longing for. I cannot control anyone else, so at least I can take responsibility to BE what I want myself, and even better, contribute what I can to better the situation for everyone.

Many times, I’ve been hurt and disappointed by people I considered role models, t...

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Afraid to go beyond your comfort zone? Don’t steal someone else’s shoes


As I woke from a dream this morning, I felt unsettled by the clarity of the message. 

“Don’t try to wear other people’s shoes that are too big for you.” 

In my dream I felt immense disappointment realizing the shoes were too big. I had imagined them fitting like a glove, embracing my feet for the onward journey.

I felt deep shame too, trying to fit into and even taking someone else’s shoes. ...

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The responsibility of being loved

freedom love Aug 11, 2020


He has loved me since he was 15 years old and he loves me more today than ever before.” At 86, she sits tenderly on the edge of the massage table, holding back the tears.

I’ve heard the story many times before. There’s hardly a week that goes by without her mentioning how much they love each other. And I see it.

This morning her heart pours out again, grateful to have someone there to listen...

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Holding joy and sorrow

authenticity freedom love Jun 01, 2020

May I be joyful in a world of such devastating sorrow? Some days I feel shame for my privileges, health and happiness. But shame serves no-one. Instead, it stands in the way of allowing full grief and sorrow to be felt, as well as joy and gratitude. Shutting it all down is to deny life and to self-poison. ⁠⠀
Today I cultivate wholeheartedness, allowing both joy and sorrow to have their full place...

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Hey, who are you today?

Hello, who are you today? What is important to you? What makes you vibe and thrive? What do you long for? What are you struggling with? How would you like to engage with me? In what way are we the same?⁠⠀
After many weeks and months of separation, we will meet again. And, for sure, you have changed. I have changed. We have changed. The world has changed. ⁠⠀
Can we meet as if for the first time, ...

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Meeting each new day with hope

freedom May 17, 2020

Sunrise is my favourite time of day. It’s so filled with hope and opportunity. It feels like the best time of year to join the 5am club as the sun rises so early and dawn is pure magic, even if the sun is behind a thick bed of clouds like today. I'm finding myself longing for these moments of stillness and intimacy. Its a time for me to connect to my inner callings and wisdom. ⁠⠀
Each night I fee...

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Them Emotions

authenticity freedom May 16, 2020

Arrrr! to those gnarly emotions that sneak under the radar and slowly diminish my life force, joy and vitality. ⁠⠀
Arrr! to those clever strategies that have me bypass feeling all those moments when something hurt or scared me. ⁠⠀
And suddenly I'm feeling flat, tired, bloated, self-doubting, uninterested, uncaring and I don't know why! Arrrrrr, I say! ⁠⠀
I see it. My energy got stuck again by s...

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