of Connection
Spiral 1 -The Fundamentals
8 weeks / Online
Learn essential skills
for meaningful and authentic relating.
This is Circling 101.
Relax into Being You, heart open, with others
In this 8-week mixed group experience we explore the fundamentals of conscious relating and communicating through the art of Circling.
We slow down to actually feel ourselves in the presence of others - woh, that's a big deal!
It's about cultivating self-awareness so that you can relax into being you, and let more life and love in, and more of you out. We call that authentic joy.
It's about getting comfortable with being human together, listening to understand, sharing what's real, and resting in intimacy.
This is the path to self-love and inner freedom.
We practice conscious relating so that you feel confident to make it a regular part of your life.
Through an online group call each week we'll meet each other right where we're at. Magic happens when everyone feels seen, heard and loved as they are, and we stay in connection rather than removing ourselves.

Circle is NOT about unloading a bunch of unexpressed emotions and fears on others, or feeling burdened by the suffering of others. That's what keeps us disconnected and closed off.
Circle is a place to feel uplifted, inspired, and supported in bringing out the best in each other through mature and conscious relating.
Circle is NOT therapy, and we DO NOT go digging up the past or looking for trauma and wounding.
We focus on relaxation and authentic joy - which can be felt in sadness, happiness, anger, celebration, and all human feelings. Healing and transformation may happen as you become more authentically you.
We are waking up together, to see ourselves as God / the Divine / Nature sees us, to truly accept and love who we are, and be free, right here in the ups and downs and uncertainty of life. It is only from this place that we can truly contribute and serve with our innate gifts.
"Leaving the old paradigm of separation, struggle, and survival and entering into a new paradigm of unity, cooperation, and flow requires two things : ways of being that allow us to awaken our hearts, and strong social groups that support us in awakening."
- Tej Steiner, Founder of Heart Circle
Living with an open heart in a culture of distraction, disconnect, and competition is a hard task. It can feel exhausting for a sensitive, loving being like you.
The thing is you're not here to do that alone.
It can feel overwhelming for many people to meet other's emotions when you don't seem to have the right language or sensitivity for them.
You have immense capacity in your heart to consciously meet others and create the world you want to live in. Your heart power will only grow when you're surrounded by people who are ready to open their hearts with you.
A Circle of Connection is for you if you want to ...
Know yourself better so you can relax in your heart, be clear, confident, resilient, joyful and on purpose.
See yourself and your life more clearly (and more lovingly) through meeting others, and learning from the shared human experience.
Feel and express your feelings and emotions, your love and the life inside you.
Take full ownership of your life and your unique gifts.
Experience meaningful connections that nourish your heart and soul.
Cultivate community spirit with other vibrantly alive, courageous, loving, and free people.
Learn about authentic relating to bring into every relationship in your life.
“A Circle of Connection is a step toward nourishing a very deep longing within the human heart and soul for community, belonging, and love.”
Georgina Laiya Peard
What's it About?
The Circle of Connection - Fundamentals (Spiral 1), is about relaxing into being you in connection with others. It’s about staying present to know and feel your heart, and theirs, and, letting go of resistance to be with, and even love, what is. It's about realising you are not alone.
Circling teaches you essential skills for building meaningful and authentic connection with yourself and in any relationship.
The cool thing is that when we all drop into our hearts together, each person gets an accelerated self-awareness and awakening. You will see how you function in a group, what holds you back, what you need to feel good, and what makes you come vibrantly alive.
By witnessing and loving others in their authenticity, you will realise how truly loveable you are too. Yes! All of you. Even the messy bits.
Love is what unites us all, even when love seems absent, opinions are radically different, and we are falling apart. We all act from the needs of connection, belonging, deeper meaning, and …. love.
We’re going through intense times of change and uncertainty, individually and collectively. We need each other.
Knowing how to lean into heart-centered connection is perhaps the greatest skill we can develop for building resilience, supporting transformation, maintaining optimal health, and contributing to a future in which we thrive.
Let’s dare to wake up in our hearts and become fully alive together, to feel and express more love, and actively co-create the relationships and the community we want to live in.
What will you learn?

The fundamental skills of heart-led connection and communication.

Present, clear, heart-centered and true to yourself as you relate with others.

Aware of yourself, your feelings, desires, and needs for connection and joy.

Yourself in ways that let others into your world, feel and understand you.

Attention, genuine presence, listening, compassion and love from others.

Of your impact on others, and to be aware of relational dynamics.

In yourself and to know how to cultivate trust, intimacy, and uplifting connection.

To express appreciation and love, and to validate others authentically.

A group of people committed to the 8-week journey together.
Weekly meetings live online, each 2h.
Meetings include a short introduction to the weekly theme and topic, and then immersion, for most of the time, in practical exploration and authentic experience together. This is a guided experience you are fully involved in, not a class to listen and observe.
Facilitation, teaching, transmissions, and coaching by Georgina.
Suggested explorations for bringing into your daily life.
How could this benefit your life?
- Increase your self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion.
- Become aware of relational and group dynamics.
- Build self-confidence in expressing yourself and holding yourself.
- Help you relax into Being you, and enjoy being you, as you are.
- Feel a sense of safety, acceptance and belonging with others.
- Realise that you matter, what you feel matters, and what you need matters.
- Feel more ease, freedom, pleasure, and joy in life, and in relating.
- Create meaningful connections, loving, uplifting and supportive relationships, and increase your capacity for intimacy.
- Let love in.
- Have practical ways to move through challenging times.
- Enhance your ability to stay present to experiences and emotions.
- Enhance your capacity to hold safe and loving space for others.
- Feel more freedom and enjoy what you’re here to be / experience.
- Be part of co-creating the world / the society / the community you want to live in.
Listen to Cynthia's experience

“Participating in the heart circle was a revelation. The power of meeting as a group regularly, before anything was said or done, opened a new dimension of the inherent value of seeing and being seen by others. I found a deeper level of acceptance of myself and my shadows - and courage to speak up even when everything is not ok. I learned new tools to listen - to listen to the energy and authenticity behind the words being uttered, and to the energy being generated in me as I listen. And the five ways of being are surely a tool for life to take forward: being clear, present, real, connected and heart-directed.”

“It was such a powerful feeling being fully present with a group. Feeling every human and knowing that you were there for me, to listen to you with my five senses and to be heard with five senses. Wow!!
The circle connection allows me to practice presence and therefore to feel at peace and connected. It allows me to recognise my humanity in others and to be compassionate with me and with the feelings of the rest of the group.
I saw myself many times in the others sharing and my heart was even more open.”

“I liked the way you built it up, starting by introducing some basics and then basically jumping into practicing, adding more knowledge while keeping practicing the stuff we already learned. It felt very natural and rich. Alive. In a way it feels like "home", so I am wanting to dive deeper and deeper. What struck me is the power of the heart-centered presence - online! - the field we created; and the things that were pointed out in the field, that I also noticed (probably unconsciously) but somehow could not have grasped or voiced. I loved to feel the commitment of each one of us. That has such a power. And the love and compassion for each other!”
Please register and choose your payment option by clicking on the links below.

Circle of Connection
8 weeks / Online
22 April - 10 June 2024
Mondays, 19h30-21h30 CEST
CHF 280 / EUR 290

Circle of Connection
8 weeks / Online
22 April - 10 June 2024
Mondays, 19h30-21h30 CEST
(includes credit card fees)

Circle of Connection
8 weeks / Online
22 April - 10 June 2024
Mondays, 19h30-21h30 CEST
(includes credit card fees)
Our aim is simple and profound:
to relax and open our hearts together.
What others say

"Thank you for the Circle. I had no experience of Circle before this. What motivated me to join was the sense of authentic heart connection and being with other people, showing up, just how we are. I enjoyed that aspect very much. It was really the highlight for me. I appreciated the grace with which I was accepted even in some difficult and dark moments in my life.”

"I was touched by everyone being open and honest and vulnerable – bringing themselves as they are. People often hide it. But here we are like more real human beings. Not a sanitised version. Not a social media version. It's really inspiring when people are just real with their joy and their pain, their strength and their vulnerabilities. I really appreciate the others doing that and allowing me to part of that sharing. It’s so beautiful and simple. At least now I know it can be when you create the right conditions."

"Allowing ourselves to speak and be heard is very moving. We felt safe to do that as the boundaries were clear. Behind the façades of everyday life there’s an incredible richness.
You get what you put in. You get back what you give."

"Georgina, you have an incredible ability to read people's energy and intuitively know what will help us to help ourselves, heal or grow. You share immense gentleness and acceptance, without judgement. I love your fun and laughter, always creative, spontaneous, intuitive and inspirational."

"I learnt to speak what I am feeling. Normally I’m a person who prefers listening more than speaking about myself. This helped me to express and just be as I am, without any judgement, and realise that what I feel has value. We feel closer when someone expresses herself. The barriers and masks fall, and we are connected like dear friends. I was so deeply touched by the sincerity and kindness."
"Circle changed my life and continues to be essential for my wellness, growth and happiness. I consider it the number 1 human 'technology' that we need to create a loving and sustainable future together. I am so grateful to my teachers of Circle, Christian and Tej, and to the hundreds, maybe thousands, of people I've sat in Circle with. Through them I have grown in humility, love and compassion. This is why I am committed to sitting in Circle and sharing with as many people as possible." Georgina
Your Guides ...
Georgina Peard
Georgina has been leading circles for men and women, including multi-day deep dive transformational retreats, and live online group programmes, since 2014. She is a certified Heart IQ™ Group Coach, trained by Christian Pankhurst, and Heart Circle Facilitator, mentored by Tej Steiner. She has also experienced Circling and Surrendered Leadership with Circling Europe.
She has spent thousands of hours in circle and intensive group processes internationally, both as coach, apprentice, and participant, learning with some of the world’s most talented facilitators of group dynamics, personal and collective transformation. It’s through circle that she experienced an accelerated healing and awakening of self-awareness and self-acceptance.
She has been a professional massage therapist, bodyworker, and yoga teacher since 2010, supporting people in body-heart-soul connection. Since 2015 she’s been a committed practitioner of Shamanic Tantra and Temple Arts, which has supported her deepening capacity for embodied intimacy.
Georgina has a highly attuned natural ability in emotional – energetic intelligence, reading soul codes and navigating transpersonal energies, as well as a deep sensitivity to group dynamics. Her ongoing professional trainings and years of experience with the body and nervous system support her ability to support people to come more into their embodied aliveness and loving nature.

Bas Brand Heek
Bas is a father of two young men, a circler, singer and arborist, living in the south of the Netherlands. Bas has been teaching, training and facilitating groups since the early nineties. After holding his first talking stick in 2008, Bas acknowledged the power of the unified field and how it connects us to the ‘Universal Heart’. There is nothing more powerful and accurate when it comes to transformation and healing.
Bas has trained with Tej Steiner in Heart Circle, as well as experiences with Heart iQ and Circling Europe. He leads regular Men’s Open Heart Circles and Singing Circles in Holland for over 10 years, and has worked to support men dealing with anger issues and healing domestic violence patterns. He sees Circle as a way to bring this supportive field of connection into daily life - into our relationships, work, government institutes, mental health care and family life.
As a Daoist, the principle of Wu Wei (effortless action aligned with nature) is at the core of his being. Bas brings a light and joyful presence, and deep stillness at the same time. His being still and heart-centered invites all participants in the field to higher levels of understanding, love and self-awareness. He is genuinely interested in each person accessing their deeper truth and cultivating their own definition of success - becoming their naturally joyful self.

Does Circle really work online?
Is it for men and women?
How are the Live Sessions delivered?
Do I need to have my Camera on?
Will there be recordings?
What if I can't join Live sessions?
Do I need any particular experience?
Is this therapy?
When we come together like this, in sacred geometry, magic happens!
We hook into the natural intelligence and vibration of the universe and begin to co-create a new reality and way of being that ripples out to serve life.
Together we're stronger .... and it's more fun too.