of Connection
Spiral 2 - Leaning-In
12 weeks / Online
A Circle of conscious people
Co-creating a field of support and compassion
For everyone to relax, evolve and thrive
A 12-week group laboratory to know yourself better through authentic relating.
Lean-in to connection. Relax into relating.
Deepen your self-awareness, self-acceptance and inner freedom.
Access more of you - your voice, your natural genius, your heart's desires.
Build self-confidence. Feel seen, heard and supported.
Upgrade your social and relating skills.
Cultivate loving awareness, meaningful relationships, and community.
Experience what's possible when we build a field of resonance.
You have experience in Circle or conscious communication and are on a path of personal awareness, and you're ready to go deeper, to lean-in together? Welcome!

Circling represents both the social technology and essential creativity
of the human spirit needed to evolve and thrive in our times.
We are healing old conditioning of separation as we practice to lean-in to connection for the optimal well-being of individuals, couples, families, groups, and communities.
We envision that our natural planet will reap the benefits too when more people feel connected, safe, and loved.
What's it About?
In Spiral 2, we use the power of relational meditation and group dynamics to meet ourselves, relax into joyful belonging, and cultivate self-acceptance.
The group supports the individual to recognise their innate genius.
Over 3 months we'll ride the emotional highs and lows of life, explore the power and gifts behind fears, shadows, projections and desires, activate the freedom to follow impulses, and gently cultivate what's naturally you!
Unlock your inner resources, thanks to the support of like-minded souls holding open-hearted presence and leaning-in to love what is.
No need to retreat to make yourself or your life better! This is about waking up together in the heart of ordinary daily life.
This opportunity of being in a laboratory of heart to heart connection aims to gently release resistance to whatever might be blocking your life evolving and you feeling joy.
Within this exploration of Me-We-Mystery, we open ourselves to waking up together and to have the energy to let 'emerge' something greater!
YES I WANT TO JOIN THE CIRCLE ➡“A Circle of Connection is a step toward nourishing a very deep longing within the human heart and soul for community, belonging, and love. When you access the energy previously locked up in keeping yourself safe and separate, the potential for co-creation and emergence is limitless.”
Georgina Laiya Peard
Is this for you?
You want to start expressing your truth but don’t always feel safe to do so, or have the space to explore what that is without expectations or judgements.
You’re done with feeling small and anxious, people pleasing, fitting in, and limiting your self-expression.
You’re not interested in superficial conversations. You want depth and realness.
You want to surround yourself with awake, inspired, loving people, who uplift each other. Without a group of genuine support, you can fall into habits and patterns of self-sabotage.
You’re a sensitive being and want a regular space to co-regulate through authentic connection.
You have few opportunities to experience authentic relating with men / women. You want to practice a conscious connecting dynamic to move through old wounds or fears holding you back.
Intimacy has generally meant romantic or sexual relationships for you, and you want to explore intimacy and authentic connection more broadly.
You’re fascinated by human relating and new ways to evolve together. You’re curious as to how other’s lives and perspectives can enrich your own and help you grow.
You know that Circle is super powerful at so many levels, and you want a regular group to drop in together.
Going through times of rapid change, personally and collectively, we are being challenged to wake up and cut through the noise and distractions.
Like so many of us sensitive beings, you might be feeling a lot of unease in your nervous system and many difficult emotions - anxiety, fear, grief, anger.
You might be feeling confused, overwhelmed, exhausted, or struggling to switch off and create inner clarity and calm.
If you want to thrive through times of uncertainty ...
Know and feel yourself as an individual (Me) - Learn to keep your heart open, trust and accept yourself, regulate your nervous system, and access your own joy and stability. Know your innate gifts and resources, and your heart’s desires.
Lean-in to connection and interdependence (You and Me) – Be authentic and vulnerable in connection. Learn to co-regulate, receive support and build trustworthy relationships. Listen with compassion. Inspire and uplift each other. Collaborate and cocreate.
Rest in not-knowing (Mystery) – Relax within uncertainty. Connect with and allow for a greater intelligence, that exists in the space between us, to emerge. Connect to the Universal Heart.
This is why we create Circles of Connection.
They help us proactively and consciously meet the times we're living in, to practice, evolve and allow to emerge through us new ways of living, loving and thriving together.
Be you, and enjoy it.
Stop pleasing and playing small.
Live your life without seeking for permission or waiting for the right conditions.
Bring unforeseen growth.
Overcome fears, reclaim your shadows, see clearly your inner saboteur.Walk new grounds to live with more love and inner well-being / freedom.
Connect to your inner well-being - the frequency to which the universe responds.
No more fighting, and feeding inner turmoil and suffering.
Get ready to expand your life’s capacity in an effortless and joyful way.CONNECT!
Open your heart so that it brings you that feeling of being truly connected - with yourself, with others, and with life itself.
Increase intimacy in your relationships, by relaxing into who you are and who you’re becoming.SUCCEED!
Create a new definition of success in your life by being true to your deepest self.
What really matters to you when you drop the conditioning and habits based on fears?It’s about daring to become more alive now, to feel and love more, and actively co-create the relationships and the community you want to live in.

Our aim is simple and profound:
to open our hearts together.
Listen to Cynthia's experience in Spiral 1

“Participating in the Circle of Connection was a revelation. The power of meeting as a group regularly, before anything was said or done, opened a new dimension of the inherent value of seeing and being seen by others. I found a deeper level of acceptance of myself and my shadows - and courage to speak up even when everything is not ok.”

“In circle I am invited again and again to be completely myself.
To feel my desires and to express them.
Even if I don't quite dare to show up fully. But every time I dare, the reward is magic.”

“A beautiful space that supports you to come home to yourself, your essence. During the evening with Bas I felt welcome to Be with everything that is in the now. The wonderful guidance created a beautiful connection in the circle. Both in the sharing and in the silence. For me it was a valuable togetherness based on the connection of the heart.”
Your Guides ...
Georgina Peard
Georgina stepped into her first true Circle in 2013 and never looked back. Circle became an integral part of her life and work. She is a certified Heart IQ™ Group Coach, trained by Christian Pankhurst, and has been leading Circles and deep dive transformational retreats since 2014. She is part of the Heart Circle / We-Powered network with Tej Steiner, the founder of Heart Circle. She has also practiced Circling and Surrendered Leadership with Circling Europe.
Georgina has spent thousands of hours in Circle and intensive group processes internationally, both as facilitator and participant, learning with some of the world’s most talented facilitators of group dynamics, personal and collective transformation. It’s through Circle that she experienced an accelerated healing and awakening of self-awareness and self-acceptance.
She has been a professional massage therapist, bodyworker, and yoga teacher since 2010, supporting people in body-heart-soul connection. Since 2015 she’s been a committed practitioner of Shamanic Tantra and Temple Arts, which has supported her deepening capacity for embodied intimacy.
Georgina has a highly attuned natural ability in emotional – energetic intelligence, reading soul codes and navigating transpersonal energies, as well as a deep sensitivity to group dynamics. Her ongoing professional trainings and years of experience with the body and nervous system support her ability to accompany people into embodied aliveness and love.

Bas Brand Heek
Bas is a father of two young men, a circler, singer and arborist, living in the south of the Netherlands. Bas has been teaching, training and facilitating groups since the early nineties. After holding his first talking stick in 2008, Bas acknowledged the power of the unified field and how it connects us to the ‘Universal Heart’. There is nothing more powerful and accurate when it comes to transformation and healing.
Bas has trained with Tej Steiner in Heart Circle, as well as experiences with Heart iQ and Circling Europe. He leads regular Men’s Open Heart Circles and Singing Circles in Holland for over 10 years, and has worked to support men dealing with anger issues and healing domestic violence patterns. He sees Circle as a way to bring this supportive field of connection into daily life - into our relationships, work, government institutes, mental health care and family life.
As a Daoist, the principle of Wu Wei (effortless action aligned with nature) is at the core of his being. Bas brings a light and joyful presence, and deep stillness at the same time. His being still and heart-centered invites all participants in the field to higher levels of understanding, love and self-awareness. He is genuinely interested in each person accessing their deeper truth and cultivating their own definition of success - becoming their naturally joyful self.

A group of people (6 - 14) committed to the 12-week journey together.
12 weekly meetings, live online, each a 2 hour retreat, facilitated by Georgina & Bas.
Facilitated meetings include a short introduction to the theme (in the form of teaching, demo and transmissions), and immersion, for most of the time, in practical exploration, enquiry and authentic experience together.
There will be a balance between breakout rooms for dyad and small group explorations, as well as large group experiences.
- We end each meeting by gathering our personal and collective 'medicine'.
Themes, practices and suggested explorations may be offered for peer meetings and daily life contemplation.
Register below & choose your currency of your choice: Swiss Francs (CHF) or EURO.

Circle of Connection
12-week group journey
Live Online
Mondays, 19h30-21h30 CET
15 April - 1 July 2024
CHF 455 / Euro 485

Circle of Connection
12-week group journey
Live Online
Mondays, 19h30-21h30 CET
22 September - 9 December 2024
CHF 455 / Euro 485
How could this benefit your life?
- Increase your self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion.
- Help you relax into Being you, and enjoy being you, as you are.
- Feel a sense of safety, acceptance and belonging with others.
- Realise that you matter, what you feel matters, and what you need matters.
- Feel more ease, freedom, pleasure, and joy in living, loving, expressing, and relating.
- Create meaningful connections, loving, uplifting and supportive relationships, and increase your capacity for intimacy.
- Let love in.
- Have practical ways to move through challenging times.
- Enhance your ability to stay present to experiences and emotions.
- Enhance your capacity to hold safe and loving space for others.
- Feel more freedom and enjoy what you’re here to be / experience.
- Be part of co-creating the world / the society / the community you want to live in.
From other Circles with us

"A beautiful space that supports you to come home to yourself, your essence. During the evening with Bas I felt welcome to Be with everything that is in the now. I was able to sound, sing and move. The wonderful guidance created a beautiful connection in the circle. Both in the sharing and in the silence. For me it was a valuable togetherness based on the connection of the heart.”

"I was touched by everyone being open and honest and vulnerable – bringing themselves as they are. People often hide it. But here we are like more real human beings. Not a sanitised version. Not a social media version. It's really inspiring when people are just real with their joy and their pain, their strength and their vulnerabilities. I really appreciate the others doing that and allowing me to part of that sharing. It’s so beautiful and simple. At least now I know it can be when you create the right conditions."

"Allowing ourselves to speak and be heard is very moving. We felt safe to do that as the boundaries were clear. Behind the façades of everyday life there’s an incredible richness.
You get what you put in. You get back what you give."

"Georgina, you have an incredible ability to read people's energy and intuitively know what will help us to help ourselves, heal or grow. You share immense gentleness and acceptance, without judgement. I love your fun and laughter, always creative, spontaneous, intuitive and inspirational."

"I learnt to speak what I am feeling. Normally I’m a person who prefers listening more than speaking about myself. This helped me to express and just be as I am, without any judgement, and realise that what I feel has value. We feel closer when someone expresses herself. The barriers and masks fall, and we are connected like dear friends. I was so deeply touched by the sincerity and kindness."
"Circle changed my life and continues to be essential for my wellness, growth and happiness. I consider it the number 1 human 'technology' that we need to create a loving and sustainable future together. I am so grateful to my teachers of Circle, Christian and Tej, and to the hundreds, maybe thousands, of people I've sat in Circle with. Through them I have grown in love and compassion. This is why I am committed to sharing the He-Art of Circle with as many people as possible." Georgina

Does Circle really work online?
Is it for all genders?
How are the Live Sessions delivered?
Do I need to have my Camera on?
Will there be recordings?
What if I can't join Live sessions?
Do I need any particular experience?
Is this therapy?
When we come together like this, in sacred geometry, magic happens!
We hook into the natural intelligence and vibration of the universe and begin to co-create a new reality and way of being that ripples out to serve life.
Together we're stronger .... and it's more fun too.