Feeling immensely grateful today for the magnificent women in my life. Do you have GREAT women in your life?
I am literally surrounded by a community of women that show me, day after day, through many tiny little things, that I BELONG, that I am WELCOME, that I MATTER, that I am LOVED, even when I'm not perfect!
Only 6 years ago I didn't even like to say the word 'woman'! I was pretty embar...
Mama Gaia is pregnant with life. At Imbolc - 1-2 February - our Celtic ancestors celebrated this fertility of the lands and called for the support and protection of the Goddess Brigid for their flocks and fields to bring abundance. They made Brigid dolls and laid her with the magic wand, a symbol of Dagda, the good god of masculine fertility.
It’s symbolic of our inner creativity and potential too....
More than anything else right now I want to say thank you.
There's so much to be grateful for. I'm grateful for you.
Every day I meet people who share values of respect and compassion. This means the world to me. We are indeed experiencing so much chaos, grief and uncertainty in our world right now, and at the same time, we're surrounded by good people who care, deeply. I choose to really see an...
Welcoming every day with gratitude. Finishing every day with gratitude. Is your gratitude authentic? ⠀
I notice this strange attitude we often have toward our own health and happiness, abundance and prosperity, in the West at least. (This makes it difficult to manifest our dreams.)⠀
Our happiness and prosperity is very often laden with:⠀
Hello, who are you today? What is important to you? What makes you vibe and thrive? What do you long for? What are you struggling with? How would you like to engage with me? In what way are we the same?⠀
After many weeks and months of separation, we will meet again. And, for sure, you have changed. I have changed. We have changed. The world has changed. ⠀
Can we meet as if for the first time, ...
In what way are we the same - you and me? How do I mirror you? What do you see in me, that reflects a part of you? I'm genuinely curious.
You see, you are me, cleverly disguised as you. And I am you, cleverly disguised as me.
I need you, so, to see and know myself.
What if we constantly replaced the questions, "In what way am I different to you?" or "In what way are you different to me?’’
Your hands are a direct expression of your heart.
Have you noticed that what you do with your hands has such a big impact on your own energy and on how you relate to others?
Think about when you place your hands together to bow with respect; when you point a finger, or when you raise a fist in anger or celebration. Think about when your hands are gardening or painting or cooking.
What about wh...
In my last post I said there is so much to play for and so much potential. There is equally so much at risk.
What I choose now matters. How I live matters. What I think and say and do matters.
As I peek out to the uncertainty beyond, lovingly holding the parts of me that have been feeling so safe and comforted during confinement (see parts 1 and 2), it can be all too easy to fear what is coming....
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