Wellness &



Join an event

For women claiming deeper wisdom, empowerment and pleasure during their perimenopause & menopause


There are times when the perimenopause - menopause transition can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. 

We can also live this transition as an empowering and exciting initiation to becoming a wiser, more nourished, content and embodied woman; a new chapter and the best time of our lives.

These one-day events on meaningful themes offer you a well-deserved and sacred pause to breathe, reflect on your journey, and connect with your body and inner wisdom.


Designed for women in their 40s and 50s, these day retreats include:

  • short talks to inform you and inspire self-enquiry,
  • customised yoga, breathwork, meditation, and energy practices to release stress, relieve symptoms, and support a strong body, and clear mind,
  • restorative yoga for deep rest and to welcome change, and
  • facilitated sharing spaces to reflect, connect and have a laugh with other women.

As a certified teacher in Yoga for the stages of Menopause, Advanced Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra, as well as a Heart IQ Circle Facilitator, and Massage therapist, I'll be bringing a wealth of practices to explore. Plus! some very lovely guest experts.

You'll gain self-awareness, practical tips and tools for healthy habits, self-listening and self-care, as well as a community of courageous, kind-hearted and inspiring women!

My intention is for you to leave feeling empowered, uplifted, and more at peace in this beautiful and transformative stage of life.


Magic happens when we gather, we circle, and we attune to Life.



Wise women need no teaching.
Just space to reflect and connect in meaningful ways.

6 October 2024: Belly Love!

Nutrition, Core and More. A Healthy Belly Feels Good!

Facilitated by Georgina Peard, with special guest Magdalena Sofia

Join us for a life-enhancing and nourishing one-day retreat designed specifically for women navigating the perimenopause and menopause. "Belly Love" is your opportunity to gain simple and practical tips on nutrition, micronutrition, gut health, yoga, body practices and lifestyle choices. How you feel in your belly impacts you every day! Cultivate an attitude of deep self-kindness around your changing body, especially your beautiful belly, and feel empowered, more resilient, joyful, and reassured in your health and well-being.

Sunday 6 October 2024
Elaneha, 10 avenue de la Gare, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland

Register Now


What to Expect?

  • Empowering Knowledge on The Changes in Your Body: Be aware of what's happening and why it's important to make conscious lifestyle choices.
  • Yoga for Perimenopause and Menopause: Experience adapted practices with a focus on belly wellness - core strength and stability, optimal metabolism and digestion, stress and anxiety reduction, improved sleep, emotional resilience, clear mind, self-confidence, managing menopause symptoms, and more.
  • Insights on Optimal Nutrition: Learn about the importance of optimal nutrition and micronutrition and how they will support you through this transition and beyond. 
  • Information on Gut Health: Learn about the metabolism of your hormones and how to take care of your gut and your liver; and discover tasty foods that will deeply nourish you and naturally support your
    body's needs.
  • Practical Tips: Implement conscious lifestyle choices, intuitive eating, and easy home practices that enhance your well-being.
  • Body-Positive Approach: An inclusive space where we focus on positive language, and cultivate curiosity, enquiry and deep listening to our bodies.
  • Self-Kindness Practices: Experience self-care practices and rest that foster a loving and positive relationship with your changing body.
  • Community Connection: Connect with other women on the same journey, sharing experiences and building a supportive community.


Why Attend?

  • Feel Informed: Gain valuable insights into perimenopause and menopause and how to support your body through this natural stage in life.
  • Feel Reassured: Learn to embrace the changes in your body with positivity and kindness.
  • Feel Nourished and Resourced: Release the inner critic and burden of ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’ to cultivate an attitude of welcoming, pleasure and play.
  • Feel Empowered: Equip yourself with simple and enjoyable practices, tools and knowledge to enhance your well-being.
  • Feel Connected: Join a community of women, sharing and supporting each other through this journey.


Who is this for?

Women in their 40s and 50s going through the perimenopause-menopause transition or anticipating this. Those in perimenopause, menopause or post-menopause, whether naturally occurring or due to illness or medical intervention. The only requirement is a genuine sense of curiosity for yourself and others. No need for previous experience in yoga or Circle. 

Connect to your core, and the wisdom of your womanhood.
Join for a day of feminine connection, body positivity, and rest.


Guest speaker

Magdalena Sofia

Magdalena is a Swiss Certified Nutritionist, Certified Holistic Health Coach (Institute of Integrative Nutrition) and Certified in Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage and Belly Revolution Massage®. By educating & providing practical nutritional guidance and other tools, she helps women to optimize their physical, emotional and mental wellness and reconnect to their physical bodies and specially build a relationship with the central part of the body, the belly. She focuses on the whole-body approach, macro and micro-nutrition, digestive health and hormonal balance. Magdalena’s holistic approach to health has proven to inspire her clients long-term as they made life-long health and lifestyle changes. To complement her consultations and programs Magdalena also offers the Belly Massage® in her wellness space in Lausanne, Switzerland.

That vibrant health and vitality are already inside of you. In your precious lifetime you are here to lead a thriving life and feeling vibrant and empowered in your body. And this is why I am here to support you. 


Please bring your own lunch or food to share in a pot-luck. Tea and refreshments will be provided. The lunch break will include a walk together outside, so be prepared for the weather.

What to wear / bring:
Please wear comfortable clothing for yoga and movement. Yoga mats and equipment, as well as changing rooms are available. Please bring pen and paper, a closed water / tea bottle, anything you need for comfort.


  • CHF 110 (Early! until 23 September)
  • CHF 150 (regular)

SPECIAL OFFER: Register with a Friend! Invite a friend to join you for the day, and receive a CHF 10 discount each. Share the experience and support each other on this empowering journey.


Register and Pay Now ➡


Facilitator ... 

Georgina Laiya Peard

Georgina is a certified Massage Therapist, Heart iQ Circle Coach, Yoga teacher, and Shamanic-Tantric practitioner, with 15 years experience in guiding and creating intimate and transformational experiences for individuals and groups. Her gift is to create fields of relaxation, heart resonance and connection for people to tap into their inner well of wisdom and know their truth. She is devoted to her own path and helping others to feel whole and free, tapping into our shared humanity and the interconnectedness of life.

Georgina is certified in Yoga for the Stages of Menopause, and Advanced Restorative Yoga. She has been exploring approaches to the menopause for many years, and began the Menopause Wisdom Circles in 2020.

I'm not here to teach you like an expert. I’m training and informing myself, yes, and have things to share. Yet here, I hold the quality of space holder, enabler, catalyst, for you to be your own guide, and find your inner teacher, healer and lover. My role is to create the conditions for a welcome, safe, and intimate space to explore vulnerably and powerfully together. I am also a sister on this journey, deep in my perimenopause transition.”