Peeking out from confinement (part 4)

In my last post I said there is so much to play for and so much potential. There is equally so much at risk.

What I choose now matters. How I live matters. What I think and say and do matters.

As I peek out to the uncertainty beyond, lovingly holding the parts of me that have been feeling so safe and comforted during confinement (see parts 1 and 2), it can be all too easy to fear what is...

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Peeking out from the comfort of confinement (part 2)

There is a part of me that has felt comforted by obligatory confinement, and fears coming out.

This part of me is deeply sensitive and is often not seen or heard in a world that rushes by so loudly, even aggressively. This part has often needed to create armour and masks to hide behind, to feel strong enough to go out.

This part fears being judged, rejected, betrayed, humiliated, and abandoned,...

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Unprecedented times - home confinement

authenticity connection Mar 18, 2020

Hello friends,

I truly hope you and your loved ones are well. 

These are indeed unprecedented times of change. May we all find the place of ease and trust within, in humanity and in life.

I am noticing many reactions and responses to our situation right now, and these may even fluctuate within us from day to day, hour to hour.  

They include feeling...

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Showing up with our hearts open

Today I will participate in the Anti-5G demonstration in Geneva and happening internationally. As we experience more and more grass-root marches, demonstrations and protests, with people everywhere calling for more respect and care for life, I ask myself how to take action and show up for what feels right, hold clear boundaries and keep my heart open.

It is very easy to do...

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Supporting the tender heart in 2020

My heartfelt wishes for you, and for all of us, as we enter this new decade. It feels like a new era is here, where our actions matter immensely.

May we rapidly find more sustainable, respectful and heart-centred ways of living together, people and planet.

May we prioritise healing, compassion and community spirit to support each other through the challenges we face.


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Grieving and Loving

Welcome friends, to a Community Grieving and Loving space, supported by ceremonial Cacao on 1 September 2019 in Rolle, Switzerland. It will be a space for us to come together to open our hearts to FEEL all that it means to be alive on this planet today. Please see full details at the bottom of this article.

There is so much pain and suffering, personal and collective, near...

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The gift of pain hiding in depression - a poem

authenticity Aug 29, 2019


It has a strong pull on me, the zombie state
It’s so easy to belong
Such a generous welcome into accepted norms
Succumbing to distractions I got tricked
By my own mind
I thought it was my own choice
Betrayed, manipulated by an invisible force
At first it didn’t feel good, discomfort in my body
The weight of a heavy cloak
Aggressions of a modern kind
I contracted, angry, fighting,...

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A dialogue with my inner Warrior of Compassion

authenticity freedom love Jan 22, 2019

"It takes courage to live in this world and it takes courage to love in this world."

A quote from Dan Millman

I agree. It takes a warrior spirit to keep choosing to open our hearts and dive into our vulnerability in order to be an expression of compassion for change.

My inner dialogue might go something like this: 

I feel a surge of disappointment rising. Like a dark cloud...

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To the men. What does it take?

Dear brothers, 

Yep, you will see quite a few posts and programmes here for women. This one is only for you because you are important. At the core of all I do, the deepest longing in my heart, is that we come together, consciously, compassionately and support each other as human beings, beyond gender, to bring out the most potent, vibrant, healthy versions of ourselves. 

This was...

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How I learned to be vulnerable in public and let in more love

In December 2013 I sat amongst over 300 people at Christian Pankhurst’s Heart Summit in Holland. I felt a part of me wanting to run screaming out of that huge circular room filled with all these strangers learning to feel more and be present in their hearts.

There was a part of me so afraid to be seen and to feel embarrassed or not good enough or unloveable.

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